Wine Trivia

French Trivia

Which has the same name of a grape, a wine and a region in France?

Grape Varieties Trivia

Which country has the most grape varieties by far, and also has the most varieties made into wines by far?

Italy's Montepulciano Trivia

Is Montepulciano a wine, a grape or a town in Italy?

Italy's Producers Wine Trivia

Which of the producers below is NOT considered to be one of the best in Italy?

Pinot Grigio Trivia

Pinot Grigio Trivia. Where is the best Pinot Grigio in the world made?

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What Wonderful Things You Should Know About Pinot Noir

How about some pinot noir trivia? I would like to ask which 3 countries are best for growing the finicky pinot noir grape.


Do You Really Think You Know About Sonoma Valley?

Which one of these valleys is NOT part of Sonoma county? Sonoma trivia can be a game by itself due to its size.

Taste Bud Trivia

There is a little trick to remembering where these tastes are most prevalent on your tongue.

Top 5 Selling Grape Varieties Trivia

What are the top five selling grape varieties in the world in order?

Umbria Trivia

What makes the Italian region of Umbria unique when compared to all the other regions in Italy?

Water in Wine Trivia

How much water is in wine exactly? So, I thought that was a good question for water in wine trivia.

Who Invented The Innovative White Zinfandel Wine?

Which winery is credited with creating white zinfandel? In addition to knowing that zinfandel is a red grape, everyone needs to know this about white zinfandel trivia as well.

Wine and Chocolate Trivia

Which of these wines does NOT go with milk chocolate?

Wine Bottle Trivia

What was the first wine that was made available in bottles? I thought you would like a little wine bottle trivia!

Do You Know How To Read A Wine Label?

Nickel and Nickel makes a variety of wines. Owned by Far Niente, it makes a great choice for wine label trivia.