Wine for the Weekend of 4/24/20

Valpolicella is the Wine for the Weekend of 4/24/20
My first experience with valpolicella was when I worked at a restaurant as a teenager in the late 70s. That is when Bolla was the popular brand. That is why it is the Wine for the Weekend of 4/24/20. Bolla produces valpolicella, Soave, Trebbiano and Bardolino. I miss them, because I have not had them in a long time. Made in Verona, It is Italy’s second most popular red wine behind Chianti. And, it comes in several styles. There is valpolicella and Classico which is a smaller and more revered area. And, there is Ripasso. Finally, the king of the hill is Amarone. Also, there is a dessert wine called Recioto. The main grape is Corvina. And, it is blended with Rondinella and Molinara.
Valpolicella Valpolicella Classico Valpolicella Ripasso Amarone della Valpolicella
Ripasso Method
The Ripasso Method is the unique result of refermenting valpolicella classico on the warm grape skins from which Amarone has been fermented. This process, used only in rare vintage years, imparts richness, character and personality of a great wine to an already superior wine.
Ripasso method is a technique that is done by the re-passing of the valpolicella wine on the dried grape skins of Amarone, still warm and rich in sugar. The valpolicella remains in contact with the pomace of Amarone for 10/12 days. During this period, a second alcoholic fermentation occurs.
Ripasso method gives valpolicella wine a better structure.

Aromas, Tastes and Pairings
The valpolicella has an aroma of fresh fruits, mostly cherry and also cranberry, raspberry and other red fruits. It tastes of tart cherry, cinnamon, chocolate, pepper and almond. The wines pair with burgers and roast chicken. Ripasso and Amarone styles pair with roasted meats, steaks, mushrooms and aged cheeses.
If you would like to read more about label buying, click here. Should you like to see my cheat sheet for wine shopping, please click here. Print it out when you go wine shopping! If you would like to learn more about wine, please click here. Follow me on Instagram @howtopickawine and my Youtube channel named How To Pick A Wine.