Wine for the Weekend of 10/18/19
Gewurztraminer is the Wine for the Weekend of 10/18/19
The reason I picked gewurztraminer to be the wine for the weekend of 10/18/19 is because it is starting to get cold in the northern and southern hemispheres. And, this grape thrives in cooler temperatures as you can see on the map. The most prominent places are Germany and Alsace, France, therefore they will be my focus. Alsace is the most prominent as this grape is the second most planted there. Also, everyone knows the most popular grape in these areas which is riesling. And, most people drink it from time to time because of it’s fruitiness and ability to go with many foods. Well, gewurztraminer is a great alternative. Remember that these wines are fruity and not sweet. In fact, they are dry. Sometimes the fruitiness confuses our palate. In addition, I think many people stray away due to the name. It is pronounced (guh-VURZ-tra-meen-er).

Aromas and Tastes
The first and most likely aroma is lychee. In case you don’t know what that smells like, it is like a sweet rose. Gewurztraminer also smells like red grapefruit, honey, cinnamon, rose petal, and ginger. It tastes like lychee, grapefruit, pineapple, peach, orange and cantaloupe. In addition, it is quite spicy which makes it taste great with spicy foods.

Food Pairings
Gewurztraminer is my first choice for Asian, Indian and Middle-eastern cuisines. The wine is so good that you will finish the bottle before the food comes or at least one glass. However, please save some for the food. My favorite pairing is with Thai cuisine. First, look for the wines from Alsace. If you can’t find them, German versions are just as good. It’s just that Alsace focuses on it a little more.

Gewurztraminer Wines
Alsace, France and Germany both produce riesling and gewurztraminer because of two reasons. First, they share similar cool climates in which these grapes thrive. However, notice that most of the winery names are German. That’s because the boundaries between France and Germany have changed many times over the centuries. They speak both languages, but some still consider themselves to be more German than French. Interestingly, the same thing occurs between Germany and Northern Italy for the same reason. There is an example from each country below, but you can buy any brand you can find. Alsace versions will be in the French section of the store. Notice the doctor in front of the German version. You see this in Germany often, because winemakers go to school and are given a degree of doctor in agriculture or viticulture. Prices vary. Spend a minimum of $15.
Lucien Albrecht Gewurztraminer Dr. Schnaider Gewurztraminer
If you would like to see my cheat sheet for wine shopping, please click here. If you would like to learn more about how to pick a wine, please click here.
Follow me on Instagram @howtopickawine and Youtube – How To Pick A Wine
Went to a fancy place just outside of Rome for lunch. The company I worked for at that time has a office in Rome. Place is in a town called Monteredondo and the food there is stupendous. We had 9 courses of Italian seafood each one paired with a different Gewirztraminer. What a meal!!
Wow! Were they all Italian gewurztraminers? Frank