Wine Clubs Are A Terrible Way To Buy Wines

The main reason to say no to wine clubs is because you will be over-charged as much as 56% more in some cases. I have an example below. That is why wine clubs are a terrible way to buy wines. Secondly, you should go to the store and shop for yourself. If you are unsure, use my website to help learn how to pick a wine. When you go to the store, prepare a list. Do not go in and pick out pretty labels or buy whatever is popular or on sale. Call or text me anytime right from the store! 609-364-3477
This Is Why You Say No To Wine Clubs

I went on a wine club’s site called Topdust where they try to promote healthy living. They also have what they call their wine access club. Look at the price they charge for the bottle above 26.99/bottle. Now look at the prices I pulled up on wine searcher below. Hmm.

Wine Clubs Are A Terrible Way To Buy Wines Most Of The Time
There are only two reasons to join a wine club. One is that you truly are too busy. It’s funny how Americans can go shopping for hours and then hurry into the wine store at the last minute. The second is to take advantage of a great introductory offer and then cancel after it comes in. You can use wsjwine for this idea, because I just got 14 bottles of wine and 2 wine glasses for 89.99 including shipping! I already cancelled. Note-The wines were just average to not so good.
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I agree, 95% of the time wine clubs are a bad idea. However not all wine clubs are created equal and there are some great wineclub’s out there.
Winery wine clubs are very often a great way to access wines not available in your local market and provide wineries a vital access point to consumers.
There are also some excellent small independent wine clubs out there that give consumers access to quality wines that they otherwise would not have access to, also at reasonable prices. Examples I am aware of and arm a member of include OrangeGlu (for access to small production orange wine) and SomMailier (for French wines only they import via family connections in France).
Thanks for the commentary. Your first point I believe I discuss in my post. I wrote 3 different posts about wine clubs, so not sure if I mentioned it in this one. I believe that online wine stores like wine.com are a much better way to go for the average person. I agree with everything you said. Do you belong to my wine groups? How To Pick A Wine group and Italian Wines, Food, Travel and Culture group. Would you mind posting your points in them? Thanks again Jamie!!!
Hi Frank,
I’m a member of your How to Pick a Wine group. Will now go and explore your other groups. Happy to post my points to your groups.
I agree, that for most people, wine.com is a great way to go. I shop there for the more esoteric wines I can’t find in local wine shops. But I am also very fortunate to have 2 very good local wine stores, with very knowledgeable staff and great selections of wine.