What Is The Best Rosé In The World?

Tavel Is The Best Rosé In The World
Summer is the time for Rosé to shine! And, Tavel is what is the best Rosé in the world. You can find it for $20-$25, sometimes less. It is dry, but it’s packed with beautiful aromas and flavors that are similar to most Rosés. Personally, I love when I get an aroma or taste of strawberries. This wine pairs with food similarly to red wine. It has plenty of acids to cut through whatever you are eating. Notice the darker shade of pink Tavel has versus most other Rosés.

The Rhone region is the polar opposite to the Burgundy region. The Rhone grows about 23 grape varieties, whereas Burgundy grows several. No variety can be more than 60% of the wine. Therefore, each producer can have a different mix of grapes in their wines. The Rhone Valley is split into north and south. Tavel is a tiny appellation in the Southern Rhone. It’s an outstanding wine.

If you would like to learn more about Rosé wines, please click here.

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