This Is The Best Wine For Seafood Hands Down

Albariño From Spain
This Is The Best Wine For Seafood Hands Down. Notice on the map that it grows near the water except one region which goes farther inland. Notice that a river runs through it. That’s why they can grow further inland. The river provides the nighttime cooling that the grapes need which helps them build acidity and flavor. And that acidity and flavor is why Albariño is the best wine for seafood.
Tasting Notes
Expect aromas of lemons, limes, pear, grapefruit, honeysuckle, nectarine, and orange zest. When you taste Albariño, you’ll love its bright acidity, saltiness, and long tingly finish. I think it’s the best white wine in the world.
Albariño goes wonderfully with shrimp, scallops, most fish, crab, chicken, and tofu. It’s grown near the sea so it’s made for almost any seafood dish.
Martin Códax Albariño Salneval Albariño
I never met an Albariño that I didn’t like so here are a few examples, but whatever you can afford works too as long as it’s from Spain. Unfortunately, we just missed Spain’s National Albariño Day on August 1st. Let’s have a belated bottle!
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