Most House Wines Are Horrible Jug Wines At Best

House Wine is Bad Wine
Most House Wines Are Horrible Jug Wines At Best. Did you ever go to a restaurant and ask the server for wines by the glass? Some get you the menu which might be nice. Sometimes the server spouts out several varietals. “We have chardonnay, pinot grigio, cabernet and merlot.” That is rarely nice. Lastly, it is even worse when that happens at an affair like a wedding. And, the latter two can be really bad. They are usually wines all by the same winery that you never heard of before. That is because you are getting wine that might cost $5 per bottle or less. Also, it is a sign that the the restaurant doesn’t care about wine. Well to us, it is equally important. What do you think you are getting in the picture below? They are pouring jug wine into carafes!

Advice For House Wine
If you are planning to go to a restaurant, call ahead and ask if they have a wines by the glass menu or just house wine. Should they have a menu, then give it a shot. If they say house wine, then ask if they will let you bring your own. Many places do this. And, some charge you a cork fee which is fair around $10 or so. If they do not allow it, then choose another restaurant or suffer. Wouldn’t you rather pay $7-$10 for a good wine, than $5 for something horrible? Also, if you bring your own, always open it at home and taste it just in case the wine is bad. If you go to a wedding, ask the bartender to show you the bottle. Inspect it. See if there is a vintage. Hope it is not from California, because that is where the cheap wine is made. Also, make sure they are pulling corks. Many places re-bottle jug wine into wine bottles. You are better off drinking beer or mixed drinks at these affairs. FYI to Carlo Rossi, Burgundy is not a wine. It is a wine region in France. This is why most house wines are horrible jug wines at best.
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Should you like to see my cheat sheet for wine shopping, please click here. Print it out when you go wine shopping!
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You are so right about this…. house wine could be anything