"Is Portugal still friendly?"
Mateus Rose

When I was young, my dad takes the family out to dinner once per week. There is a restaurant called Dante’s & Luigi’s that we go to often. It is where I first tasted Mateus Rose when my dad gave me a little. And, I loved it. I remember it being loaded with flavor and a touch of sweetness. It was a very popular wine back in the late 70s. Somehow, it falls off the face of the earth since then. But, it is back. I see ads in magazines, etc. Mateus is trying to make a comeback. And, I think you should try ASAP!

Portuguese Wines
In the U.S., Portuguese wines make a small splash. However, they make wines that rival the rest of Europe. Vinho Verde is another great wine. It is a white wine. But, it looks like it has a greenish tinge. It translates to green wine. Try this chilled as well! Also, Portugal has many stellar red wines. So, find them and give them a try as well. Keep in mind that Mateus Rose is wonderful by itself chilled or with barbecued foods to name a couple.Also, it is inexpensive. And, I love the shape of the bottle! See below the original look of the bottle. Cool!
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