Bad Wine #2
I recently went wine shopping and purchased Bad Wine #2. I was looking for some silly labels for an upcoming wine video that I plan to make. The video is to show examples of why you shouldn’t buy wine based on the label. For those of you who do buy labels instead of wine, this wine is another great example of why you shouldn’t. And, you are shooting arrows in the dark with your hard earned money. In addition, in some cases you are over-paying for really bad wine. Wait until you read about this one below.

Layer Cake Cabernet Sauvignon Is Bad Wine #2
Unfortunately, I tasted this wine when I was visiting someone. I figured, what can I lose? Well, one sip told me all I needed to know. Toss it out. At first, it has the qualities of cabernet sauvignon, but it quickly dies on the palate as soon as you swallow it. Good wines have an aftertaste. The longer it stays on your tongue, the better. However, it has a nice picture of chocolate cake on the front. Wine is not supposed to taste like chocolate cake. And, it costs $14-$20 at the store. News flash, you can’t drink the label! Please read my posts on label buying. There are links at the end.

Cabernet Sauvignon Secret
The funny thing is cabernet sauvignon is that it is one of the two wines that go really well with chocolate. The other is ruby or vintage port. If you are having chocolate anything for dessert or even a chocolate bar, the chocolate intensifies the fruit flavors in the wine. On the other hand, Merlot is terrible with chocolate. Also, try it as an experiment for fun.

Bad Wine #2 Gratitude
Special thanks to Layer Cake producers for making it easy to find a bad wine to discuss. We need to stop buying labels and send a message to these producers that we want good wine. And, we don’t care what the label looks like. We throw the bottle out when its empty.

If you would like to learn more about label buying, click here.
Should you would like to see my cheat sheet for wine shopping, please click here.
If you would like to learn more about wine, please click here.
Follow me on Instagram @howtopickawine and my Youtube channel named How To Pick A Wine.