Alcohol In Wine

Percentage Of Alcohol In Wine
There is about 12-14% alcohol in wine. However, some can be as low as 5% like Moscato d’Asti which is similar to beer. At the high end, you will find no more than 14.5% regardless of what is actually in the bottle. This is because some grapes make it difficult for the winemaker to estimate the sugar content. This is really important since sugar is converted to alcohol by the yeast. Zinfandel is widely known for this. Exercise caution when drinking it, because some can be well over 14.5% regardless of what’s printed on the bottle. Dessert wines can be 20% or more. Knowing the percentage is very important, especially if you plan on driving later that day.

Wine Has Legs
Have you ever swirled a glass of wine or taken a sip only to watch rivulets slide down the inside of the glass? These are referred to as “legs” in the wine world. They are caused by the alcohol. Generally speaking, more legs equals more alcohol. It is more complicated than that, but you get the idea. So watch those legs!

My Wine Is Hot
Alcohol in wine that is out of balance with the fruit and acid is called “hot.” Don’t confuse it with hot temperatures. The extra alcohol produces a burning sensation on your tongue and nasal passages. This is considered a fault in a wine. Ask for a different bottle or return it to the store.
If you would like to see my cheat sheet for wine shopping, please click here. If you would like to learn more about how to pick a wine, please click here. Follow me on Instagram @howtopickawine.