'Why, yes, I remember you. May I suggest an undrinkable pinot grigio that goes well with a bad tip?'
Pinot Grigio Trivia
Pinot Grigio Trivia. Where is the best Pinot Grigio in the world made?

1 – France 2 – Oregon 3 – California 4 – Italy 5 – Germany 6 – Australia

Pinot Grigio Trivia Answer
The answer is Italy of course. But, Alsace which is in France is a close second in quality. By quantity, Italy makes as much as the rest of the world combined. However, most is not great quality. Look for versions from the Northeastern part for the best quality. The areas of Alto Adige, Valdadige, Friuli and Trentino are some of the best. Avoid versions from warmer climates like California. The best expression of the grape is in cooler climates with warm summers and cool nights. Too much heat as in California can cause the grapes to be out of balance and too sweet. Note that some countries call it by other names like Pinot Gris. See below for some good producers.
Alois Lageder Hugel
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