This Sparkling Wine Is Ridiculously Over-priced

Price Gouging
Schramsberg sparkling wine is ridiculously overpriced. Why pay over $30 a bottle for their base version from this California winery? You can get one of the best California sparkling wines for almost half that price. Mumm Cuvee Napa is only about $16-$20! I have visited there in the past. And, they make great sparkling wine. Also, I recommend Korbel champagne if you want to spend $10-$12. It is good and reliable. It is the holidays, therefore make Mimosas by mixing them half with orange juice. Use Korbel for this. You can add a bit of grenadine to give it some color. And, you can try other juices as well.

Champagne Explained
If you can afford it, buy Champagne from France. Also, Champagne is a town in France. Sparkling wine made outside of Champagne is called Cremant. These wines are excellent and save you money. And, drink them instead of bad wine #8. Some wineries like Korbel have special permission from France to put the word Champagne on the label. Korbel is made in the same style as Champagne from France. See pictures below.
Mumm Cuvee Napa Korbel Bollinger Albrecht
If you would like to read more about label buying, click here.
Should you like to see my cheat sheet for wine shopping, please click here. Print it out when you go wine shopping!
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