Taste Bud Trivia Question

Trivia Question
Here is the taste bud trivia question. Why can’t we taste bitterness in wines?

Taste Bud Trivia
I think a taste bud trivia question will interest you. There is a little trick to remembering where these tastes are most prevalent on your tongue. It goes sweet top, bitter bottom, sour sides and salty all over. Newer science tells us that these tastes are present all over the tongue, but you be the judge. Pick one and taste some wine. Look for where the taste hits your tongue. The science is not performed with wine. I still get the tastes according the locations on your tongue..
Umame A Fifth Taste?
There is a 5th taste called umami which is best described as savory. It really kicks in when you have a craving for something. Umame is attributed to the proteins in means and cheeses. It is located primarily on the top middle of your tongue, but can be almost everywhere.
Taste Bud Trivia Answer
Bitterness comes from compounds that are basic. Wines have compounds that are acidic. Therefore, if you taste bitterness in a wine, it means the wine is bad. It is considered a fault in the wine.
If you would like to learn more about how to pick a wine, please click here. Follow me on Instagram @howtopickawine.
Great topics here. Always happy to learn more. Going to a tasting Wednesday evening. Bruce Mcbride from California. 686 wines I believe
Thanks! That sounds awesome! Care to take a stab at the trivia question?