Pinot Noir Is The Wonderful Elegant Wine From France
Pinot Noir Glass Pinot Noir Glass New World
Aromas and Tastes
Pinot Noir Is The Wonderful Elegant Wine From France. Pinot Noir wines have aromas that are unique. The aromas are herbacious, earthy, mushroomy and berry-like. Tastes can be berry, cherry, vanilla, spice, licorice, tobacco, caramel or cola. The latter half of the flavors being mild due to aging in French oak. Expect a lighter bodied, elegant wine than its other counterparts in France like Bordeaux or Rhone. We are in the Burgundy region now. And, all Burgundy reds are 100% Pinot Noir (pee-no-NWAR).

Pinot Noir Food Pairings
If you want to drink like the French, you have to eat eat like them to some extent. Pinot Noir pairs well with a wide range of foods. Fruitier versions make a great match with salmon or roasted chicken. I would look towards places like California, Australia, Oregon, and New Zealand. Heartier and more tannic versions go nicely with duck and other game birds, and casseroles. These wines will be mostly found in France, but Oregon and New Zealand have versions as well. Research is the key with such a difficult grape to grow.
Seared Duck Roasted Chicken
Pinot Noir Wines from France
There are three places in the world where Pinot Noir wines thrive best. I will discuss all three here, but there are many other places growing good pinot noir. The Burgundy region of France has the best and they have centuries of experience. For those who may be confused by Carlo Rossi, Burgundy is NOT a wine! Back in the eighth century, King Charlemagne decreed that the only red grape that can be grown in Burgundy was Pinot Noir. It was his favorite red wine. He also made Chardonnay the only white grape. Eventually, that turned out beautifully as the town of Chablis is in Burgundy. Pinot noir is grown in the small area from Dijon going south to Macon. There are many towns boasting the best pinots. I will get more in depth when I post on the Burgundy region in the future.
Clos de Vougeot Romanee-Conti
There are too many to list here because each village may make one or more wines. Clos de Vougeot is considered to be one of the best. Also Romanee-Conti is highly regarded. There are many more. For the average wine consumer, it is best to get some advice before buying, because most of us can’t read French. Nor do we drink Pinot Noirs that don’t say it on the label. But there are affordable options that are in stock at most liqour stores. Look for villages versions. Some producers are getting smarter and putting some English on the labels. But they still say Bourgogne which means Burgundy the region. If you are looking for a good bargian, try Givry by Chanson $24. That’s a true bargain for French Pinot Noir!

Oregon Pinot Noirs
The reason that Oregon is one of the best regions for this grape is climate. It is very similar to Burgundy’s climate. Also, New Zealand boosts the same climate. The main reason is they all lie on the same latitude when you look at the map. I am always quick to recommend Domaine Drouhin because their parent company comes from Burgundy, Joseph Drouhin. And now there are a dozen or more wineries in Oregon with French influence or partnership. Next I will recommend Willamette Valley Vineyards because they have been around a long time and deliver consistently good pinot noir.
Willamette Valley Vineyards Domaine Drouhin
New Zealand Pinot Noirs
There are so many wines to recommend from each region that it can be bewildering. I am going to suggest Kim Crawford pinot noir due to its long history of making great wines and Villa Maria Reserve due to it’s affordability for such a good quality example. Also New Zealand has done well with Sauvignon Blanc.
Kim Crawford Pinot Noir Villa Maria Reserve Pinot Noir
Climate is everything with Pinot Noir. It’s why California makes a lot of over the top jammy versions that don’t pair with food well and don’t remind me of Pinot Noir. Yet, some California areas have proven the ability to make good versions. Look for Central Coast versions especially wines sourced from the Bien Nacido vineyard in Santa Maria Valley. Look at the map below to see how the three main regions line up at about 45 degrees latitude. Burgundy and Oregon in the Northern Hemisphere, and New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere.

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Pinot Noir Is The Wonderful Elegant Wine From France