Hate Bad Wine #5 With Gimmicks And Silly Labels

I Really Hate Bad Wine #5 With Gimmicks And Silly Labels. Some wine producers spend thousands of dollars for to come up with labels designed for one purpose. They want you to buy the label, not the wine. And, the funny thing is that it works. Look at all the money we spend on silly names like Layer Cake, Cupcake, Barefoot, 19 Crimes, Skinny Girl, White Girl, etc. They are taking advantage of the average American’s lack of wine knowledge. These labels do not exist in Europe, because Europeans are very knowledgeable about wine. Even though some might taste good, many of these wines taste awful. Unfortunately, I had some of Layer Cake’s cabernet sauvignon recently. The taste disappeared as soon as I swallowed. Besides, wine is not supposed to taste like cake! If you would like to read more about label buying, click here after you read this entire post.

How Can We Solve This Gimmicks and Silly Labels Problem?
We need to stop buying gimmicks and silly labels. And, we can do that by learning about wine. First, subscribe to a wine magazine. I recommend Wine Enthusiast, because it is user friendly. And, it has sections for travel, recipes and other things. Search for nearby wineries and visit them. They might have educational events like wine classes, tastings, tours and dinners. Travel to other areas of the country and make it a wine vacation. Go to California, Oregon, Washington and New York. Also, go to Europe. Italy, France, Spain and Germany which are the popular wine destinations. If you plan a wine vacation, it is important to contact wineries 6 months in advance to make reservations for tours, tastings, dinners, etc. Otherwise, you will get shut out.

Use my wine shopping cheat sheet to get started. Should you like to see my cheat sheet for wine shopping, please click here. Print it out when you go wine shopping!

If you would like to learn more about wine, please click here.
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